The Catholic liturgical calendar is a calendar telling us when we observe the seasons and months and days of the liturgical year. The liturgical calendar has the seasons of Advent, Christmas, ordinary time, Lent, Easter, ordinary time. The regular calendar has October and November, the liturgical calendar has the month of the Rosary, and the month of the Holy Souls in Purgatory. It also has holy days: feast days celebrating the saints, and important events in the lives of the Holy Family and the early Church. There are days for feasting and days for fasting, seasons for preparation, for penance, for celebration.
Liturgical living is the way we approach those days and seasons, particularly in regards to the Mass. We see different colors of vestments on our priests, different decorations in the church, we hear different hymns. Liturgical living in the HOME, is specifically a focus on bringing those observations and devotions associated with specific seasons and months and days home with us from Mass, so they are part of our daily lives and part of our family.
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