Caring Hearts & Hands - Elaine Williams, 423-899-3811
Homebound Visitors - Larry Skelly - 703-624-0498
Sewing Group - altar cloths, prayer blankets, Mary Hess - 423-855-0237
Women's Recognition Tea Party - contact Donna Fiske through the parish office
Angel Tree Ministry - disciples place names on Angel Tree, collect gifts that are placed under tree in the narthex. Gifts need sorting & wrapping. Gifts/names are recorded & assembled for pick-up & possible delivery. Contact - Sandy Mullin @ 423-238-9045
Ladies Auxiliary - Dot Durr at 315-657-7184 or
Ladies of Charity - Cathy Rymer at 423-240-5609
Knights of Columbus Council 6099 - Mike Durr at 423-280-9327 or
Serra Club -Priscilla McLean - 423-894-0748 or
Sewing Group - sleeping bags for homeless, Mary Hess - 423-255-4995.
Prison Ministry - Penpals or Inmate Visitation contact John Bradshaw
at 423-400-3700 and Pat Bagley at 423-899-7722.
Respect Life- disciple devoted to praying for and promoting the sanctity of every human life by addressing all life issues. Contact: Theresa Cole at 423-432-7007 or Pat Bodnar at 423-240-6265